God’s Grace and Peace be with you!
Thank you for your interest in St. John’s!

St. John’s Lutheran is a Winston-Salem-based church community of all ages and various ethnicities, here to serve others – and you – through God’s love in Jesus!

There is nothing more exciting and fulfilling than to see and live life through a living faith relationship with our Creator and Savior-God, Jesus Christ! Through Jesus, we begin to understand WHY we are here, the BLESSINGS that fill our daily lives, the LASTING DIFFERENCE we can make in others’ lives, and the PEACE and ASSURANCE we can have in life’s trials, and at its end! Through faith in Christ every one of our sins is forgiven and we will live forever, in heaven.

Life doesn’t get any better than this! This is not a superficial, “everything is going my way” life. It is life with a depth of meaning, a deep-rooted peace, and joy that is ours through all the varied life circumstances. That’s the kind of life God wants—YOU—to have. That’s why He sent His Son Jesus, who said, “I have come so they might have life, and have it more abundantly.”

It is YOUR life journey with God! At St. John’s, we would be privileged if we could bless or serve you along the way.

The foundation, the beginning, and the growth of this real abundant life are SPIRITUAL! We are people whose lives are shaped by God’s Spirit, working through God’s Word. God’s Word is central to our ministry; in worship and sermon, in Study and Prayer, in our Elementary school, through our Cancer Ministry, our Hispanic Ministry and community outreach; the Good News about Jesus (the Gospel) is at the center of everything we do. Please join us for any of our ministry opportunities.

Finally, as our lives are filled with God’s love for us, we are committed to sharing God’s love in real ways that meet real needs. YOU can help us make a difference in the lives of others! You are always welcome at St. John’s Lutheran!