St. John’ Lutheran Church Ministries and Missions are designed to be in service to one another and the community The intention of all St. John’s Lutheran Church Ministries is to live out our faith through service to all.

Cancer Ministry temporarily suspended
The Cancer Ministry Team is taking a break. We will not be having prayer service or group meetings at this time. We will continue to be there for anyone in this journey to help them as needed. We are still working in the community at Trellis, Cancer Services, and the SECU house. Please let us know if you are in the cancer journey or chronic illness so we can assist you. Covid has taken a toll on our ministry but know we are still here. We are willing to assist those in need so just call one of the members.
Cancer Support & Fellowship Informal Prayer Service
2nd Sunday of each month at 2 pm – Temporarily suspended
Guest Speaker and Activities with Light Refreshments
To view the “Staying Strong” Monthly Newsletter, click here.
The Women of St. Johns (LWML) group is open to all women of St John’s. Ladies meet monthly (Sept-May) on the second Monday of the month. This group of volunteers daily dedicate their lives to making a difference in the world. The “Lutheran Women in Mission” seek to develop and maintain a greater mission consciousness among women through education, inspiration and service. The major focus is the support of mission and ministry throughout the world by means of mite box offerings. The group collects mite money every first Sunday during the Worship services which is an important part of their efforts. These offerings are used for District Projects Grants (75%) and National Project Grants (25%). At the meetings, they enjoy Bible Study, Fellowship, Refreshments and Speakers.
St. John’s offers many opportunities for adults to be involved in Bible study. Every Sunday morning at 9:30 am, adult classes are led during Sunday School hour. On Tuesday mornings at 10 am there is a Bible study for senior adult women in the music room. Thursday nights at 7 pm, there is an adult Bible study class for those who are seeking to dig deeper into scripture.
On Sunday mornings, Sunday school classes are offered for children ages 2 through 18. Each class is taught by passionate leaders who love working with children and teaching the Good News for the children to take home and share with their parents. Whether learning about Joseph’s forgiveness for his siblings or talking about what it means to be a true friend, students will be growing in their faith and relationship with God while having fun in a loving environment.
The Sr. Youth Ministry provides opportunities for high school students to grow in Christian relationships with their peers and mentoring adults while simultaneously strengthening their relationship with the almighty God. Through the use of fellowship, service, Bible Studies, and personal ministries, the Sr. Youth of the church seek to gain a better understanding of their personal faith while developing an energizing love for God and their neighbor. They meet every Sunday.
The Jr. Youth Ministry allows for middle school students, grades 6th through 8th, to meet twice a month and build the core relationships that will continue to guide them down the path as faithful followers of Jesus Christ. Through fellowship, service, and devotions, these young teens begin to explore what it means to have a deep relationship with God while using their gifts and talents to love and serve His people.
St. John’s Lutheran Church offers free academic tutoring on Wednesday evenings during the school year for native Spanish speaking students where English is a Second Language. We have adults and teachers to assist with homework and studying. A light meal is served at 5:30pm and tutoring is from 6:00pm – 7:00pm.
St. John’s Prayer Shawl Ministry seeks to share the love of God through prayer in the gift of hand-made shawls, baptismal blankets, prayer squares, caps and laprobes. We meet monthly (at present) via the internet. Knitters, crocheters and those wanting to learn are invited. Patterns and materials are available. Please contact Ann Carney (, Kätie Goad (, or Claudia Essbach (
A major mission of St. John’s is our school, St. John’s Lutheran School. Founded in 1951, the school is a joyful place full of traditions and family values that unite our families through a broad range of lively activities. We are a Christian school serving the Winston-Salem and surrounding communities, providing challenging academics integrated with Bible-based instruction. The optimal learning environment and experience is provided for your child through safe and well-managed classrooms, outstanding faculty, and small class sizes. Our experienced and highly qualified faculty will love your children and challenge them to reach their God-given potential. St. John’s offers Open Enrollment throughout the year.

Worship is the central component of life for the congregation at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Winston-Salem, We worship at 8:30 am (contemporary) and 10:30 am (traditional) each week.
Bible Study is held at 9:30 am.
For those who prefer a more contemporary/casual style of worship, we have our 8:30 am Sunday morning service known as the Well. Worship is lead by the Well band, made up of congregational members and friends, who serve with their talent for musical instruments and voice.
St. John’s Lutheran School holds weekly Chapel Services for students every Wednesday morning when school is in session.

The St. John’s Lutheran Choir sings every Sunday at the 10:30 am traditional service from September through May. We rehearse weekly from 7-8:30 pm on Wednesday evenings (or Thursdays during Advent and Lent, due to the Wednesday evening services during those times). Music styles include everything. Current ages are from 21 to retired, but any age can join as long as they have a love of singing!
Some people read music, some people don’t – it’s the passion for praising God through singing that counts. Come join us!

Our Contemporary Praise Band is comprised of talented members from our congregation. Featuring drums, guitars, and keyboards, this band offers inspiring (and entertaining) compliments to our Sunday Contemporary Service.
St. John’s Lutheran School offers the highest quality in Christian training and academic education. Provided with a safe and nurturing environment, our students excel during their years at St. John’s, and beyond, becoming strong servant-leaders in their high schools and future jobs, churches, and communities.
St. John’s is committed to limited class size and providing a caring community. Faculty members are well qualified with a broad background and experience.
Since 1951 St. John’s Lutheran Church has faithfully continued to offer the finest quality in Christian education. Click here to learn more.
Sister2Sister International Outreach Ministry
St. John’s Lutheran School partners with Sister2Sister International Outreach Ministry through its student Pen Pal Program.
St. Johns Lutheran Church and School help raise funds and awareness for building of the S2S Children’s Home and School in Kenya.
For more information, visit Sister2Sister International Outreach Ministry.